Diving into Digitalisation

Technology allied to the potential and promises of maritime informatics will shape the future maritime industry. So what are the key signs we are on the right track to Shipping 2050, and the right direction for digitalisation?
The key to rewarding digitalisation is not just optimising any one aspect of a voyage, but instead bringing together datasets from multiple and sometimes unexpected sources. To ensure we able to give seafarers, crew and operators the answers they need. While giving clients, regulators, and even society, the answers they want.
We are at the alteration point, where voyage analysis has to become voyage intelligence, as we drive forward to a future of maritime informatics. It is not enough to churn out numbers, it is about using them and transforming base data into good decisions.
The digital transformation is not just about the nature or even the value of data, but how to use it? The key to success is how we can index, search and manipulate data, coming up with new insights which drive optimisation. Every decision can build on what has gone before, and we can improve every aspect of operations.
So there is a need to make all parts come together, to use technology, solutions, data and intelligence which encompasses the whole of the voyage. This means there is still a lot of work to be done guiding the industry through its digital transition.
Shipowners, shipmanagers and operators are on a business voyage that we need to help them navigate, step-by-step. While on the other side of the equation, the technologists need to understand that the wrong solutions are no solutions at all. The digital transformation needs to be rolled out with thought, strategic vision and with a steady hand on the tiller.
Acting fast, with good information and the intelligence, skill and knowledge to make the right decisions will mean that we can make the data work for all of us. It can save time, effort and safeguard against wasted resources. It can provide insight and oversight and can make shipping safer, more efficient, cleaner and more secure.
So, what are the secrets to successful digitalisation, what do you need to do to make the successful leap for your company? Well, you need to…
+ Build the connections, with systems that are willing and able to mesh together to be smarter.
+ Think digitally at every stage of every operation. To promote the rationale that information matters, and it needs to be shared, learned from and used.
+ Be focused on better management, used for efficiencies and results. So reducing consumption, but all the while boosting results.
+ Think strategically and understand where the business needs to be, and how digital tools and systems will get you there.
George Westerman of MIT and author of Leading Digital: Turning Technology Into Business Transformation said that, “When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.” When it is done wrong, it is like using a hammer to put a screw into a wall. You may get it in, but there will be wasted energy, a mess and the solution won’t be all it could be. You’ll also look a bit foolish while doing it.
So, it is about using the right tools and knowing how to use them. Digitalisation brings information to you thanks to the centralisation and accessibility of data. Make it work, know what you want, how to make the most of it and what the purpose is.
Having built the connections, understood the potential of smart technology, and being open to the changes in management approach to allow positive things to happen, what are the other areas to consider in making the most of digitalisation?
Digitalisation must be a strategic priority: They say that failing to plan is planning to fail. Your digitalisation strategy must be based on a clear plan. If you only have a vague idea of what you’d like to achieve, it’ll be difficult to assess the success of your efforts. Know what you want and why, otherwise you will be chasing the wrong inputs and outputs.
Know what better decisions are: Digitalisation is a means of streamlining, and it will accelerate the decision-making process. That means that you need to ensure you are all geared up to make good choices.
A culture of innovation: The companies which have always looked to innovate and explore options are the ones that make the most of the new opportunities of digitalisation. Maritime informatics is powerful data and information, it is not for those who think, “we’ve always done it this way”.
Willing and able communication: With transparency, openness must come goodwill and a desire to share. Communication is a core element of digitalisation. Digitisation is the tree chopped into logs, whereas digitalisation is everyone warming their buns around the roaring fire. You have to want to share the heat!
Embracing change management: Those who fear change, avoid it. That is not the fertile ground for a digital transformation. The companies who manage their evolution, who understand the risks and rewards, and who see change as positive, are the ones who are best positioned to excel and get far more from the process.
Move faster, but don’t outrun yourself: Act in haste, repent at leisure. So the saying goes. Those who throw themselves into a process of digitalisation without fully joining all their dots will be doomed to lose out. This is about companies who prepare the groundwork, and who ensure the structures are in place to make the most of the benefits which such a business transformation can bring.
See the insights, and act on them: As we have long said, the greater efficiencies which be achieved through integrated and connected technologies onboard ships, such as sensors, app-based controls, analytics, edge computing and smart machinery give powerful advantages to companies. Collectively, they provide intelligent automation and data insights that have a big impact on overall performance, but seeing the insight is not enough, you have to have a plan to act on it.